New year Fitness: How to stay motivated

Happy 2022! How can it be January again? It’s super common to go into a new year with lots of good intentions to start a diet and exercise program after an indulgent festive season. It’s also completely human to start enthusiastically and then give up on new habits after a week or so. 80% of people ditch their new year fitness resolutions by mid February. Changing habits is hard! See my previous post how can you learn to like exercise for life.

Here are my top tips for starting as you mean to go on and actually sticking to those new habits:

1. Choose something you like to do

Simple but important. If you don’t like doing it you won’t stick to it. Exercise doesn’t have to be a gruelling 1.5 hour gym session. It can be going out for a brisk walk for your dog, playing football or running around with your kids or putting on your favourite songs and dancing around your living room. It needs to be something intrinsic to be meaningful to you. This means the activity you choose will feel great in the moment and after. Exercising for extrinsic reasons for example soley for weight loss or to build muscle isn’t as effective long term. See my previous post how can you learn to like exercise for life

2. Start small

If you had a pretty sedentary 2021 then attempting to go to the gym 5 days a week probably won’t be sustainable long term. Start with something more realistic and you’ll be surprised at how quickly a habit can build.  What about trying 5 squats each time you put your kettle on for a cuppa? Research shows that small habits lead to sustainable long term behaviour change. See my previous post How to transform your exercise and eating habits for life by making small changes

3. Set yourself a goal

We all need an end result whether that be to run a 5K or do 1 press up. Couch to 5k is a great programme to lead you up to that 5K running point. It’s much more motivating to have something to work towards no matter how big or small! Write your goal down and stick it somewhere in your house you will see every day. Acknowledge to yourself when you have made small steps towards your goal and congratulate yourself – even if it’s just getting out of the house.

4. Do something which fits with your current routines

Again with an emphasis on ease. If you have a busy family life then movement needs to fit around your life. Choose something which slots in with how much time you have available, is within your financial means and is an activity your family will support you with.   

5. Do something with a friend

Research shows that you are much more likely to commit to an exercise session if you do it with another person. You can hold each other to account, enjoy the social aspect and feel great together after! 

There’s nothing like getting out for a new year run to blow the cobwebs away!
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