Exercise classes and videos

I’m Louisa and I am on a mission to help you feel your best self through exercise. My classes are fun, uplifting and a great workout!

Power ballad workouts

A fun and friendly 30 minute workout combining strength based exercise moves to feel good power ballad and 80s tunes.

Low to medium impact, all levels welcome! Classes are £5 or £18-22 a month and are suitable for all levels of fitness. I also run corporate fitness classes for organisations.

What you need

  • The classes require some weights – either low weight dumbbells, a maximum of 1.5kg, or two cans from your kitchen cupboard.
  • The sessions include some floor exercises so you may want a mat and a cushion to support your knees.

What to wear

Please wear comfortable exercise clothing. Shoes are not necessary for online sessions but if you prefer trainers can be worn.


In person sessions – My sessions are covered by public liability insurance. We require all class participants to complete a consent form and Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire prior to taking part in any exercise sessions.

Online sessions – Due to the nature of online sessions, we are unable to accept any liability whilst exercising from home. Please rest assured that classes are planned to include a full warm up and cool down and cover a balanced range of movement for all parts of the body. Please ensure you have plenty of space and are fit and well at the time of taking part in any online sessions. Please let Louisa know before the session if you have any injuries.

​Louisa is a qualified Level 2 Fitness Instructor and a Level 3 qualified Personal Trainer. She also holds a specialist qualification in pre and post natal exercise and nutrition. Please note flashing disco lights may be in use throughout the class.

Below are some of my workout videos…

Power ballad strength workouts

Enjoy a fun workout to Whitney Houston’s classic How Will I Know! Grab your beans and get squatting!
The next power ballad workout is Tina Turner: What’s love got to do with it. Again all you need are some canned goods!
This is a good one to do for a warm up!
Here’s the second installment of my power ballad strength workout. Grab your beans and let’s get moving. This one goes out to all of the heroes!
Here’s my first power ballad strength workout video in the series. All you need to workout to this is a set of some dumbbells (or failing that you can use cans of chopped tomatoes, beans, water bottles or whatever else you have to hand at home).

7 Minute Workout

The 7 min workout is a scientifically proven workout to give you the best results in the shortest amount of time. Do this 3 x a week and you will see results and improvements in your fitness levels. Once you are used to 1 set move up to doing twice.
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