I am sure many of us would agree that 2020 has been the strangest year in so many ways. For me in particular it has been surreal. After a long time struggling with my fertility and thinking I’d never have my own child I am now 30 weeks pregnant.
A miracle in a very odd and unusual year (I’m happy to share my story if anyone wants to hear it in more detail).
My work has been directly affected as Derek Draper, a colleague, friend and my main source of work since I started my own business, was taken into hospital with extreme coronavirus in March and he is still in an semi-unconscious state. You may have read about him in the news as he’s one of the most seriously affected cases in the country. It’s so awful and really worrying and I think of him every day and wish him well. The future is so uncertain for so many of us but for Derek and his family it is excruciating. It has really driven home how serious this virus is for many people and how we must do our best to stick to the rules however frustrating they seem to be.
It’s been a year none of us could ever have predicted or expected. We would never have imagined that we’d be facing a global pandemic or have experienced many of the things we’ve experienced in the past 6 months. It’s far from over but here we are.
2020 so far has been full of highs, lows, sadness, grief, loss, anguish, anxiety and stress amongst other things. In amongst it all there’s been an incredible sense of growth and learning.
I think it’s important to look at this year and reflect on what we have gained and the things we’ve learned which we would not have done had we not had the pandemic to contend with.
Five things you’ve gained from 2020:
So here’s your challenge…think of 5 positive things you have gained from this year. Write them down and reflect on them. No matter how small or large (I’m so conscious that so many people have struggled and there’s this sort of expectation to achieve when actually just getting through the day or even each moment is hard enough). I think you could be surprised what you might come up with.
Here are mine:
1. A Year of Learning:
This has been a year of learning in so many ways for me. Starting my own business during a global pandemic wasn’t what I anticipated. It’s been really challenging and pushed me outside of my comfort zone. True, I haven’t earned a lot of money but I decided I would use the time wisely to read, study, and connect with like minded people. I’ve completed Marie Forleo’s B-School – a business course aimed at people with their own online businesses. I’ve also become a qualified Mental Health First Aider after doing the two day course through Luminate. I’m also about to embark on adding a further qualification to my fitness instructor and personal trainer qualifications by doing the pre and post natal course at Level 3 to allow me to specialise in pregnancy exercise and post-natal and also help me to understand how my own body has changed.
I’ve read lots of books on habit change, resilience, willpower and motivation to aid my learning and assist with my coaching including:
- Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes Remarkable Results
- The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It
- Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy
- When things fall apart: heart advice for difficult times

2. Adapting to change and uncertainty
I think we’ve all had to adapt to change in one way or another this year in our personal and professional lives. I’ve had to adapt to Derek’s illness and the change in circumstances for me. Which of course is a million times harder for Derek’s family but it has had serious knock on consequences for me.
I’ve adapted to the idea of being pregnant and changed my behaviours accordingly. I am now coming to terms with the amazing and equally terrifying idea of becoming a parent. We’ve had to change the way we socialise, work, travel, connect with others and the things we do.
Uncertainty is tough for everyone and it’s especially tough at the moment when for many of us we face health concerns, worries about jobs and finances and general angst about the state of the world. I listened to a really great podcast at the start of lockdown which I’d recommend to anyone struggling with uncertainty. Here it is: Elizabeth Day and How to Fail with Mo Gawat.
3. Slowing down and spending time in nature
I think one of the nicest things about the last 6 months has been how much more time I’ve spent in my local park and outside. The pace of life has slowed down considerably. There’s been no rushing to the train to get into work and I’m very happy to have not had to be squashed onto a packed train or London underground train especially during my pregnancy.
Our local park has become a sanctuary – somewhere we’ve never appreciated as much. We’ve come to love each part of it and it has become more than just a park it’s a place…

- Where we can create a social space (we’ve had many friday nights in there ordering takeaway pizzas and having drinks and birthday parties)
- to exercise and get the daily walks in
- we meet friends and connect
- to appreciate nature
- get some quiet reflective thinking time
- to work – we’ve taken our laptops there a few times.
4. Connecting with loved ones
Whilst we haven’t always been able to see the people we want to see in the flesh I feel this time has given us the gift of connecting more closely to our loved ones either on the phone or zoom. It’s made us appreciate how important our connections are and how much we value family and friends.
5. Doing lots of exercise in innovative ways

Before lockdown I’d always had an idea of running exercise classes to power ballads. It was something I just hadn’t got round to as I was too busy. My amazing coach Meera encouraged me and in March I set up my first Zoom class for friends and family. Since then I’ve been running 3 classes a week and I absolutely love it and I think my clients do too. It’s a great way to connect, move together and feel completely uplifted and energised.
I’ll often feel a bit sluggish beforehand and am always on a total high afterwards. Kelly McGonigal talks about this in her book The Joy of Movement which I wrote about in a blog post here a while ago.
For the first 10 weeks of lockdown I also ran PE classes for kids once a week which was a great way to see the kids in my life and also get another bit of movement in.
I challenge you to come up with your own list of 5 things and write them in the comments below!
Great post Louisa! Here are my 5:
1. Appreciating mornings: having time before work to walk, run, watch the sunrise, have a long breakfast
2. Catching up with friends and family in new ways
3. Having more time to myself.
4. Sketching every Sunday with my dad (over zoom!)
5. Exploring beautiful parts of the UK
Love these Julie, especially the sketching with your Dad over Zoom. Thanks for sharing!